What are Digital Assets: Understanding Digital Asset Management in eCommerce

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Over 5 billion people used the internet last year for several reasons, a number that is likely to increase by 100 million by the end of 2023. This scale of internet service usage is powering the rise of eCommerce in all corners of the world.

The increased internet adoption and availability of online services are only one factor driving this growth. Another is how developers and creators use digital assets to create, promote, and sell services and products online. Digital assets form the very foundation of eCommerce – but what are digital assets? This article answers this and many other questions regarding these resources.

Understanding Digital Assets

What are Digital Assets?

Digital assets encompass any electronic files or resources that possess value and can be utilized, accessed, or preserved through electronic means. These assets cover a wide range of media types, virtual currencies, digital tokens, and online gaming or virtual world commodities. To guarantee the security and legitimacy of these assets, their ownership, exchange, and administration often depend on advanced technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, and digital rights management systems. 

The significance of digital resources is snowballing in today’s world, given the expanding scope of our online activities. These resources serve diverse functions, catering to business, leisure, and learning needs. To illustrate, enterprises harness digital assets to craft promotional content, analyze customer information, and organize stock. Similarly, individuals rely on digital assets to preserve cherished memories, enjoy music, and safeguard personal data.

There are several different types of digital assets, but the primary categories include:

  • Visual assets: Visual assets hold immense value in the digital space. They include captivating product images that showcase merchandise in its best light, distinctive logos that symbolize a brand’s identity, and engaging infographics that present complex information visually appealingly. These visual resources not only attract attention but also convey important messages with precision and creativity.
  • Audio assets: These enrich our digital encounters with immersive soundscapes. A great example is podcasts, which have gained immense popularity in the past decade. They offer insightful discussions, storytelling, and educational content regarding a particular brand, enabling customers to gain a deeper understanding of the products or services on offer. Additionally, voice-overs lend their captivating voices to various media productions, adding depth and personality. Other audio assets include sound effects, which range from subtle background ambiance to impactful auditory cues. Altogether, the audio assets enhance the overall audio experience, immersing listeners in a dynamic and engaging environment.
  • Video assets: Perhaps the most versatile of all, video assets hold a prominent place in the digital landscape. Product videos provide an interactive demonstration of goods, showcasing their features and benefits. Tutorials serve as educational resources, guiding viewers through various processes and imparting valuable knowledge. Advertisements utilize the power of video to capture attention, deliver persuasive messages, and evoke emotions. With their combination of visuals, audio, and storytelling, video assets uniquely captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact.

These different types of digital assets cater to various purposes, including marketing, education, entertainment, and communication. They empower businesses to promote their offerings effectively, enable individuals to express their creativity and enhance our overall digital experiences.

Examples of Digital Assets in eCommerce

As explained, digital assets are fundamental for a successful eCommerce strategy. They play a crucial role in capturing attention, conveying product information, and driving sales. Let’s explore three key examples of digital assets in this context:

1. Product images and videos

Visual representation is a critical factor in attracting customers and driving sales. Specifically, high-quality product images and videos serve as the backbone of any successful eCommerce venture. These assets offer customers a comprehensive understanding of the product, its features, and its benefits. When preparing product images for your business, ensure they are clear, professionally shot, and showcase the product from various angles. It also helps to include a zoom functionality and 360-degree views to provide a more immersive experience for the user. Similarly, product videos provide an interactive experience, demonstrating functionality, demonstrating usage scenarios, and building trust. These assets serve as persuasive tools, helping potential customers make informed purchase decisions.

2. Social media graphics and banners

In the era of social media dominance, eye-catching graphics, and banners are essential to capturing the attention of potential customers. Eye-catching visuals tailored to specific platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, help brands stand out and increase visibility. For example, specially designed banners for promotions, sales events, and product launches can drive engagement and generate buzz around the brand. To maximize the effectiveness of these assets, it’s vital to adhere to platform-specific guidelines, such as image dimensions and file sizes. This ensures optimal visibility and user experience on various devices and screen resolutions.

3. Email marketing templates and newsletters

Even though social media has taken over as the dominant channel for brands to engage with customers, email marketing remains a vital tool for building customer relationships and driving conversions. For example, well-designed email templates with cohesive branding and captivating visuals can help deliver compelling messages directly to the customer’s inbox. These templates can include product images, call-to-action buttons, and personalized content. Newsletters, on the other hand, provide valuable information, updates, and exclusive offers to subscribers. In addition, they often incorporate visually appealing layouts, relevant images, and well-crafted copy to engage readers and drive them back to the eCommerce platform.

woman searching an online store

Importance of Digital Assets in eCommerce

Enhancing the User Experience

eCommerce is very competitive. This means businesses must muster all their creative juices to create an image and brand that distinguishes them from the rest. A highly effective product marketing approach to achieve uniqueness is enhancing the user experience by incorporating top-notch digital assets. You boost the chances of conversions when you offer customers an engaging and delightful shopping experience. A great user experience entails the following:

  • Creating a lasting first impression: Digital assets enable businesses to achieve this goal by helping form those impressions. For example, high-quality product visuals, videos, and graphics can instantly capture the attention of prospective customers, enticing them to explore your offerings further.
  • Visual storytelling and emotional engagement: Digital assets not only display products but also narrate a story that can arouse emotions and establish a connection between the customer and the brand. For instance, by utilizing captivating visuals, videos, and graphics that resonate with the target audience, businesses can create a distinct brand identity that sets them apart from competitors.
  • Information accessibility: Digital assets provide an effective means of conveying information about products. Visual elements like infographics or interactive product tours enable users to grasp critical details, specifications, and usage instructions quickly. Instead of sifting through lengthy text descriptions, users can visually absorb essential information in a concise and digestible format.
  • Mobile optimization: With the widespread use of smartphones, optimizing digital assets for mobile devices is crucial for enhancing the user experience. Mobile-responsive product images and videos ensure users can view and interact with them seamlessly on their mobile screens.

Building Brand Identity and Recognition

Thanks to digital assets, your brand can achieve the following quickly:

  • A cohesive and recognizable visual language that helps customers associate specific visual cues with the brand, fostering brand recall and recognition. Over time, as customers encounter these consistent visual elements across various touchpoints, they develop familiarity and trust with the brand.
  • A consistent brand image also helps businesses to highlight their unique selling propositions and communicate what sets them apart. For example, companies can showcase their distinct design aesthetic, quality, or value proposition through visually appealing product images or videos.
  • Digital assets, when shared across various online platforms and channels, contribute to increasing brand reach and recognition. Compelling visuals, such as social media graphics or banners, have the potential to capture users’ attention and encourage engagement.

Increasing Product Visibility and Sales

Digital assets, such as high-quality visuals and videos, are essential for increasing product visibility, driving sales in eCommerce, and product marketing by capturing users’ attention, improving search engine visibility, boosting social media engagement, enhancing product descriptions, and supporting influencer and affiliate marketing. These compelling visuals create a positive first impression, making products more discoverable through SEO and product page SEO optimization and shareable content. Incorporating visually appealing assets on their platform can help businesses to achieve the following:

  • Communicate product features and benefits better
  • Tap into existing audiences
  • Reach potential customers

Supporting Marketing Campaigns and Promotions

Digital assets are valuable tools for effectively communicating marketing messages, engaging customers, and driving conversions. For example, eye-catching images, videos, or interactive graphics capture customers’ attention and make marketing messages more memorable and impactful. Additionally, digital assets can be strategically designed to support and enhance call-to-action (CTA) elements in marketing campaigns. Well-designed assets that prompt and facilitate conversions can significantly impact the success of marketing campaigns and promotions.

Challenges in Managing Digital Assets

Volume and Variety of Assets

With the increasing reliance on digital channels, businesses accumulate a vast number of assets, including images, videos, documents, audio files, and more. As such, storage and organization become a major challenge. Therefore, businesses must find efficient ways to store and manage these assets to ensure easy access and retrieval. Fortunately, companies can implement a robust digital asset management (DAM) system to organize assets in a structured manner.

Another challenge that arises from a large variety and volume of digital assets is metadata and tagging. Metadata includes information such as title, description, keywords, and copyright details, which facilitate searchability and categorization. On the other hand, tagging assets with relevant keywords and descriptors further enhances their discoverability within the DAM system. Unfortunately, enriching product data with metadata and tags is overwhelmingly tricky when dealing with large digital assets.

Version Control and Organization

Businesses often deal with multiple versions of assets, whether it’s due to updates, revisions, or variations. Keeping track of different versions and organizing them efficiently can be complex. It gets incredibly challenging to track changes made to assets over time without the services of a dedicated solution, such as an eCommerce DAM platform.

Collaboration and Accessibility

The current business landscape is highly interconnected, meaning companies often have multiple teams, stakeholders, or external collaborators involved in asset management. This makes seamless collaboration and accessibility to assets crucial for efficient workflows and effective utilization. Companies may face difficulties managing digital assets in some cases, such as when they have teams working remotely. The task is to ensure that all collaborators can access, review, and work on digital assets regardless of physical location. This requires implementing collaboration tools and platforms, such as PIM and DAM systems, that facilitate real-time collaboration, file sharing, and communication.

DAM solutions like Catsy also allow permission-based access. In a huge organization where many teams (each team comprising several participants) collaborate on a project but with different roles and responsibilities, it is essential to have granular control over who can view, edit, or distribute specific assets. This helps maintain the assets’ security, privacy, and integrity, preventing unauthorized access or accidental modifications.

Best Way to Manage Digital Assets

PIM one source of truth for ecommerce

Use of a Centralized Digital Asset Management (DAM) System

A DAM system centralizes storing and managing of a company’s digital assets. It simplifies access and sharing of these assets with user-friendly interfaces, advanced search functions, and productive collaboration tools. Catsy DAM is an example of such a system.

Catsy DAM excels as a powerful and user-friendly solution with which businesses can manage proprietary digital assets in the most effective and efficient manner. Users can effortlessly categorize, tag, and search for assets, simplifying the task of locating the appropriate content for diverse marketing and promotional efforts. Additionally, Catsy DAM smoothly integrates with other systems and tools, guaranteeing immediate asset access when required.

The following are some significant advantages of using a DAM solution:

1. Unified storage: Catsy DAM, for example, offers an integrated storage solution, serving as a single source of truth for all digital assets.

2. Improved searchability: The system significantly enhances search capabilities, allowing users to quickly find assets based on keywords, tags, or metadata.

3. Streamlined collaboration: Catsy DAM enables streamlined collaboration by providing multiple users with concurrent access to assets, supporting editing and effortless sharing.

4. Solid access control: The system delivers robust access control features, ensuring only authorized users can access confidential assets while preventing unauthorized usage or distribution.

5. Version control: Catsy DAM ensures revision control by meticulously monitoring changes made to assets over time.

6. Saving time and resources: With its efficient organization, search, and collaboration capabilities, the system substantially cuts down the time and resources associated with managing digital assets, lowering costs.

7. Analytical insights: Numerous systems, including Catsy DAM, feature analytical tools that provide valuable information on asset usage, performance, and engagement. These insights support businesses in making informed decisions about their content strategies.

8. Compliance with licensing and copyright: The system effectively manages and monitors asset licensing and usage rights, ensuring adherence to copyright laws and reducing the risk of legal complications.

9. Scalability: As organizations expand and digital assets grow, DAM software such as Catsy DAM can quickly scale to support growth, ensuring that asset management remains efficient and well-organized.

What features should you look for in a DAM system? An excellent platform for managing digital assets should provide most, if not all, of the advantages discussed previously. For instance:

  • It should allow users to perform advanced searches based on metadata, file types, keywords, or custom criteria, ensuring quick and accurate asset retrieval.
  • Provide a clear version history; be flexible enough to adapt to an organization’s evolving needs and accommodate a growing volume of digital assets.
  • Integrating seamlessly with other tools and software used within the organization, such as content management systems, creative applications, or project management platforms, can further streamline workflows and enhance productivity.
DAM keywords and metadata

Implementing a Structured Asset Naming and Metadata System

One of the primary advantages of a structured asset naming and metadata system is improved organization and discoverability. It lets you quickly identify and locate specific files within an extensive collection. In addition, a well-defined naming structure ensures that assets are named logically and standardized, making them more searchable and reducing the chances of duplication or confusion.

Metadata, on the other hand, provides additional information about the assets. For example, it can include details such as file type, creation date, author, keywords, descriptions, and copyright information. Organizations can use this system to enrich assets with relevant information, enabling efficient searching and filtering based on specific criteria. As a result, users can quickly find the right assets they need, saving time and minimizing the risk of using outdated or incorrect files.

DAM version control and approval process

Establishing a Version Control and Approval Process

Among many other things, an organization wants its assets to be accurate. This ensures that customers have access to information they can trust, which extends to their relationship with the brand. Establishing an approval process and version control is one of the surest ways to maintain asset integrity and accuracy. It involves tracking and managing the different versions of assets, enabling organizations to identify and access the most recent and approved versions easily. This helps prevent using outdated or incorrect assets, minimize errors, and maintain brand consistency.

Providing Secure and Controlled Access to Assets

Most assets carry proprietary information, meaning organizations must find the means to maintain data integrity even as they streamline collaboration. The best way to ensure security is by ensuring that the assets are accessible only to authorized individuals or groups. On the one hand, controlled access helps maintain data integrity and prevent accidental or intentional modifications to assets. On the other hand, secure access enables organizations to track and monitor asset usage.

When implementing secure and controlled access to assets, you should consider the following:

  • Define access levels and permissions based on roles and responsibilities within the organization.
  • Utilize robust authentication methods to verify the identity of users.
  • Implement granular access controls. This involves assigning specific permissions to individual users or groups, allowing you to fine-tune access based on the needs and responsibilities of each user. For instance, some users may have read-only access, while others may be able to modify or delete assets.
catsy digital asset dashboard


No eCommerce strategy in the current business landscape can succeed without digital assets. They play a crucial role in capturing attention, conveying product information, and driving sales. But these assets must also be well managed, and the best way to do it entails utilizing a DAM system, such as Catsy PIM and DAM, which enables an organization to establish clear guidelines for how each team should use and access these assets. Most importantly, you must regularly review and update your digital asset strategy to ensure that it aligns with your overall business goals and stays up-to-date with changing industry trends. See our PIM Software & DAM Software in action today.


Use metadata to tag and categorize your assets, utilize a centralized digital asset management (DAM) system, and establish clear guidelines for how your team should use and access these assets.

You should obtain written permission from the copyright holder or purchase a license to use the content. It’s also important to be aware of any restrictions on how you can use the content.

They include copyright infringement, trademark violations, and privacy concerns. It’s important to ensure that you have the necessary permissions to use any third-party content or images in your marketing materials and to be aware of any restrictions on how you can use the content.

You can track metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates on social media platforms, email open rates and click-through rates, and sales conversions. You can also conduct surveys or focus groups to gather feedback from customers about their experience with your digital assets.

Industry trends and technologies are constantly changing. By staying up-to-date with these changes, you can ensure that your strategy remains effective and aligned with your overall business goals. Regularly assessing the effectiveness of your current digital asset strategy can also help you identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

What are Digital Assets: Understanding Digital Asset Management in eCommerce
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What are Digital Assets: Understanding Digital Asset Management in eCommerce