One Source Of Truth For All Product InformationBigCommerce PIM Solution

Unified Product Information Management & Digital Asset Management

Purpose Built for B2B

Constantly in Sync

Catsy updates all products in all stores or e-commerce websites every hour on the hour, ensuring a standard of freshness your buyers won't find elsewhere.

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Large Product Catalogs

Integrate large volumes of SKUs from ERP to PIM. Automated enrichment starts the moment your items enter Catsy's ecosystem.

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ERP Integration with PIM

ERP integration with Catsy enables a free-flowing stream of SKU data to PIM, with no tedious processes required.

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Prepare SKUs for an enhanced buyer journey in BigCommerce with filtered search fueled by automated metadata in Catsy PIM.

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Accelerate Your Products to Market with the Best Bigcommerce PIM Software

Take multitasking to the next level with Catsy's bulk editing and made-for-B2B functionality.

Speed to market

Import items to the marketplace at an accelerated pace with Catsy's easy publishing and automatic sync features.

Manage Multiple stores

Make a single item update or publish a new item and let Catsy do the rest, with sync updates to all stores every hour.


Templated attributes tell you the format required for product publish for all B2B distributors, including BigCommerce.


Catsy's recommended action tool grades items using a customized score, ensuring accuracy and completeness at all times.

Work in Tandem

Catsy PIM workflow review and approval process increases productivity by 60%, speeding new launches to market.

Always up to Date

B2B Distributors

Catsy is purpose-built for B2B, supporting content exports in formats compatible with major distributors like Grainger, Fastenal, Zoro, MSC and Amazon alongside BigCommerce.

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Prepare your BigCommerce stores for selling across all global markets with Catsy's easy locale functions, including accurate translation.

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High Limit APIs

Catsy's high-limit API capability is compatible with large catalogs. Your organization can push thousands of items at once without error.

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Brand Portal

Give retailers, shareholders, sales teams and all outside partners secure access to your brand's digital assets without any hassle.

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Customizable Control


Ensure your products have the most up-to-date data across all online sales channels and in your BigCommerce stores with Casty's best PIM software.

User Roles

Empower all employees and outside partners to edit, update, download and publish, without posing a security risk.


Allow team members to collaborate on product introduction and product updates by controlling who can see and edit projects.


Increase accountability and speed up the review and approval process by 60% with automated workflow in Catsy.

Always Up-To-Date
Catsy continuously updates product content across all your channels and all your BigCommerce stores so they are fresh.
Manage Multiple Stores
Reduce the stress of making the same update in multiple ecommerce business stores.
Stay Consistent
Show the same BigCommerce product content across the purchase path of your customers.
Faster Product Setup
PIM reduces the number of steps it takes to onboard new products.
Error Reduction
Operate from one central database
Go Global
Organize content by locales in Catsy and sell across markets.
Optimize Product Up-Sells
Manage product associations centrally and deploy across stores.
Easy Digital Asset Management
Leverage Catsy DAM so you never loose your digital assets.
Decentralize Authoring
Assign product content maintenance to appropriate users.