Writing product information that will compel customers to click buy is more than just listing down the product features and what they do. Anyone can do this by simply looking at the product’s specs section! As a matter of fact, what you should always have in mind while writing product description is that there are millions of them on the internet and all marketers are selling to their best level in order to make a significant impact. In this regard therefore, you should be ready to invest your quality time to input relevant information that will definitely persuade the audience to buy the product.
If you have been developing product contents for quite a while now and nothing good has come out of it, don’t give up! It only means that you are not doing it right. Give it another try by including the following tips to product information that will drive sales today.

The Best Tips to Product Information That Will Drive Sales Today
#1. Transform the Product Information Features to Benefits That Sales
Product features also commonly known as specs, describe unique product information that will influence customers to buy it. It is also a fact that different customers have different tastes and preferences for products and services, which is the reason why we don’t buy exactly the same clothes, watches, phones, cars…etc. Having mentioned this therefore, it is your task to find out why customers will prefer to buy a particular product or service at the expense of many others.
Ask Yourself:
- What benefits they stand to get from the features?
- How will the product change their lives?
- What problems will it solve?
Once you have determined the answers to these questions the next thing will be to change these features to benefits. In addition, you need to look at how these benefits are going to change their lives by making it better or solving their problems.
Next, find the right words to connect these benefits in a persuasive tone. This now bring us to the next question on how to determine the best tone to use while speaking about product benefits.

#2. How to Determine the Best Tone While Writing Product Information Benefits
Understanding customers’ problem and how the product information regarding its benefits will not be enough on its own to influence great sales; therefore, how the message is conveyed to the targeted customer is very important. This is similar to the way we talk and relate with each other in our daily lives. The tone of the language that you are going to use on the elderly while describing about product information that will benefit them, is completely different while doing so to teenagers.
Determine the best tone to use by finding out the best language tone that your targeted customers would love to hear while describing to them how the product is going to benefit them. Ask yourself, “which colloquial will they relate to while talking about the product? By so doing they will be like, “how comes this guy knows so much about this stuff, could he be from our street”?
This will definitely make the targeted customers develop more interest and read the content to the end with a thirst of finding out more about the changes the product is going to bring to their lives. Furthermore, this will build trust and confidence in the content thereby persuading them to buy the product.
Next time while describing product information, do it differently by using a language tone that your customers would love to hear and you’ll be surprised about the magic this is going to bring in enhancing your sales.
#3. Make the Product Information Stand out from the Rest
The most important question that you should ask yourself here is, “why your product”? What is it that you have to offer that they can’t get elsewhere and will definitely tempt them click order now? Remember, the world out there is very competitive and that your business counterparts are using the same tip to make great sales. If they are doing it and is working out well for them why not you?
However, by saying this I don’t mean that you should now start to critic other people brand by making yours look superior. You should be very genuine while doing this; otherwise, you will be surprised about, “worse than ever product I ever used” reviews on the comments page.
Save yourself from this trouble and embarrassment that will be hard to recover by spending you’re a quality time to do proper research about other similar products. In this, I mean you make a draft of similar product and identify unique product information that you can identify its benefits and how this will help your customers.
Maybe a tip to get you started, is using the price tag as the baseline of your research. In most cases, products with lower market price usually don’t come with best long life benefits, perhaps you can mention that yours features long life that come along with saving a lot of cost that will be value for their money in the end.
Alternatively, you can also identify expensive similar products and identify weaknesses that are actually provided for on your low priced product. You, will be surprised about the big crowd of customers that will flock your website all the time and clicking the “buy me here button” and the stress you’ll start to get over how you’ll satisfy their unending love and desire for the product.

#4. Include the Product Information Physical Features
This means describing a product by looking at its physical looks. This includes mentioning things like the product style and design, size, luster, color, texture, weight and many other product information you see by simply looking at the product.
If you are speaking about the color; for example, you can mention how the product will stand out from the rest to suit a particular occasion that will leave amazing memorable moments to their lives. This will work out if you want to use color as a product information in your marketing strategy. For example, if you sell smartphones and Valentine is in few weeks, you can say why your red cased android smartphone will be the perfect gift to give your loved ones…
Better still, you can also look at how the product can blend with other product and help customers save a lot of money. For example, if you are speaking about women handbags, you can mention how it has better compartments that blends well with makeups and other things that women like to carry. This is a physical feature that has actually been turned to a benefit which will most likely sell the handbag in question.
Having this idea in mind, now take a good look at your product. Look at the physical aspect and describe it in the best persuasive language as you can. You never know who will be tickled by this simple idea and click the buy button. What will even tantalize you is the number of other friends that she is going to bring along with her to buy for similar reasons. In this regard therefore, start looking at every physical aspects differently and think of how it going to benefit the customer and influence your sales positively.
#5. Consider the Best Name That Will Be a Plus Product Information to Drive Sales
This is the most import of all about product information that carries a lot of weight. In fact, business giants that we celebrate today are a product of well-thought brand names from creative minds. Furthermore, many businesses that were at the verge of collapsing have come back to their feet and have outperformed their past, thanks to rebranding and renaming.
Having mentioned this therefore, if you have not been making any good sales, it is high time that you sit down and take time to think about giving your product a good name. If you have money and want to do a rebrand or get a good name that will sell, there are many marketing consulting companies that deal with this. However; I want to share ideas to get you started before you think of it.
Firstly, think about your brand image! Ask yourself why you are selling it in the first place? What problems are you looking to solve to your targeted audience? What ingredients do you use to develop it? These are among the many questions that you need to start thinking about before choosing a name for your business. For example, the name Coca-Cola has been derived from the Cola nut. Of course people love Cola nut! This is why this brand has remained on the top the world up to date.
Now that you are thinking of a name to use, the next question will be how you can relate the name to the benefits the comes with product. Or better still, how the name will solve customers’ problem. Start by listing all the benefits and solutions it brings in changing customers’ lives. From this thinking, try to think of a name that will relate to a major benefit or problem that customers will always think about whenever they have a need or problem to solve.
Before launching the name, it is always advisable to conduct a customer survey to determine what they think about whenever the chosen name pops up. If their response will be answering all your questions, then there is a high chance of your product becoming famous. If not, go back to the drawing board and start all over again.
However, if you are satisfied with your answers and want to give it a try, all is not over since you’ll have to conduct a lot of marketing in product awareness campaign. This can be very expensive but don’t overlook the cost. Instead, look at the bigger picture that this is going to bring into your life in terms of increased sales and profits.
Lastly but not least, naming is not anything that just comes into your mind or something to take for granted. Don’t make people make fun about your product whenever they see it on the shelf or popping up on the web. Remember, it took you so long to reach this far and a lot of investment worth your lifetime to invent it. Research and use a good name and start seeing changes in sales very soon.
Note to remember: Be creative! Don’t copy other people’s ideas of name since this will be infringing the rights of protected products and the penalties are very severe. This can be a very big blow to your business that is just getting started.

#6. Don’t Make Long Descriptive Product Information
Many people don’t like reading! In fact, if you are able to include more pictures with brief product information that are straight to the point in articulating the main product features, the better it is for the content in driving sales.
Focus on the benefits on the content and as we always say the problems you are solving. This is because if you write lengthy descriptions, the audience are likely to get lost along the way and will definitely click the close button and leave your website never to return again.
How do you go about writing brief product information that will drive sale?
Put a lot of emphasis on the key features and solutions that you have identified. This is applicable in products that comes with hundreds of benefits that when explained, you will only end up with confused customers that are not able to make decisive judgments thereby hurting sales.
A tip to take home while writing product information, highlight the key features with a small description that is geared toward the benefits or bring solutions and nothing less. Avoid listing down the feature along with their functions alone. Once you are done but you still feel that there are still many other features that can still assist to brings sales, list them in bullet form.
#7. Consider Photos/Pictured Product Information for Best Sales
Words are best described with pictures. One of the worst mistake you will ever make while writing contents for marketing and other campaigns is not to include photos. Don’t make it hard for your audience to form a wrong impression about what you are selling and decide to return sold items when they get to see the real picture. This is not only embarrassing, but is also loss of potential clients. This will also reflect bad sales if the returned item can’t be resold.
There are many advantages that you are going to get by including pictures in all your marketing strategy. In fact, there are thousands of customers that will buy your products because of the way the pictured product information was articulated to capture benefits that they are searching for. In addition, if you are not very good with words a simple picture can be a very being rescue for you.
Now that you know picture are great product information that comes along with helping sells, the next question will be how to use them as a marketing strategy to your benefits. Well to answer your question, take high-quality images that will capture products’ features that will clearly show the benefits that customers will get if they buy it. For example, if you are speaking about wireless routers with 4 WLAN Gigabits that comes with a lightning-speed of up to 4 devices through the Ethernet, the picture taken should be able to show this aspect.
Remember, this is not about just taking pictures and posting lest you end up with lots of data that will only slow your website for no good reason, and the picture will be of no value in driving sales. Point to take home, use a good camera with great picture quality that will highlight key beneficial features. Also, consider the background so that people don’t start being judgmental.

#8. Product Information That Drive Sales Should Be Structured Properly
The entire product information need to be structured well for it to sell otherwise it will have no meaning. It should be easy for anyone identify the benefit by just having a glance at it. To structure the information properly consider the following tips;
- Start with a catchy title that will get fast attention from anyone looking at the product info.
- Write a brief introduction of about 50 words only addressing the benefits and solutions being solved
- Make an in-depth overview of all key features. As already discussed don’t make it lengthy; otherwise no one will care to read it and you won’t make good sales.
- Make bullet points of pros addressing the benefits and cons addressing the product weakness.
- Lastly, conclude with a call for action persuading your targeted customers to buy the products based on the benefits that comes with it.
The bottom line: product information drives sales today
As businessmen and women, there are many benefits that we stand to get by identifying best product information that will help us make sales and stand out from the rest of our competitors.
Firstly, we need to identify a good name that is going to reflect the benefits of the product being sold. This doesn’t end there since you will have to market the name through rigorous awareness campaign and advertisements. In addition, develop a list of the most featured benefits and relate how this will solve problems of the market being targeted.
However, as you go about this avoid using lengthy information. This doesn’t matter whether the benefits are too many and you want to capture every aspect. Instead, address the major benefits and list the rest in bullet form. Otherwise, customers will get tired and lost along the way and will not see any value in reading the content.
In addition, take note of using high-quality photos as an important aspect about product information in your marketing strategy. This will ensure that you don’t give your audience hard time to create imaginary images that will only serve to disappoint them and start claiming back their money. This will bring a very bad image and reputation to your company and also affect sales.
In your description, consider including the physical aspects such as color, size and weight and see how these can blend with customers’ lifestyle and also benefit them. Lastly but not least, once you have all things you need to make a great product information that will drive sales today, structure them well by including a very catchy title that will attract the attention of many audiences at a glance. Follow this with a small introduction, followed by an overview of key benefit, pros and cons in point form, and lastly a call for action that will give the client the best advice.
Now that you know how product information drives brand sales, click here to see what Catsy can do for you.