Let’s get one fact straight: glowing product reviews are rare. The sooner you recognize this fact, the better it will be for your brand.
On the other hand, you can give them a concrete reason to write about your product or service. The uniqueness of your product offering and the delight your customers’ experience will make them eager to write glowing product reviews.
The experiences of others that have used the products and services of your brand can inspire you as a potential customer to try it out. Prominent digital analyst Brian Solis said, “Welcome to a new era of marketing and service in which your brand is defined by those who experience it.” The pros and cons of experienced users will help one make an informed buying decision.
Handling customer requests effectively is a marketing investment in the long run, not a cost. When you respond to buyer requests quickly, they feel valued and important. The key word here is the “timeliness” of your response within the time frame your user will appreciate it.
Ensure your service delivery satisfies time utility and if this is continuously sustained over time, it will increase your market share and revenue. Every buyer wants their requests handled in a way in accordance with their expectations. Meeting and surpassing their expectations results in glowing product reviews from clients that are now brand loyalists. This spreads buzz to everyone about your product and service.
The more product reviews on a product, the better they will perform. This is because reviews generally give an idea of how the customers feel about your products and services. If the reviews are negative, it shows you your area of weakness as a brand and tells you to go back and adjust your process to deliver better experiences to your users. on the other hand, if positive, you can capitalize on that area of strength and win the hearts of buyers such that your brand resonates with your users.

What Customer Service Entails and Handling Requests
When you talk about customer service, the endpoint is excellence in delivery and satisfaction of users. Of course, meeting this goal begins with an innate desire to delight your users and not just disposing of your products and services. This means you have to brainstorm and figure out ways your clients will have experiences that will turn them into loyal ambassadors for your brand.
As much as profits are highly important, don’t trade away satisfying your clients for them. You need to build a long-term relationship with your clients which will positively impact on your reputation as a brand. Most companies acknowledge their products aren’t a perfect fit for everyone. As such they allow refunds in a bid to sustain relationships.
If you had a memorable experience as a consumer, you will readily give the brand a repeat trial. Capitalize on this and pay attention to their needs as they will contribute a reasonable percentage to their sales. This begins by having in-depth knowledge of your products and services to answer inevitable inquiries.
I will always preach on open communication. Talk to your users exactly the way you would want them to talk to you. Once you get an understanding of this, your customer service will be more effective. How well did you handle the complaint of the user A? If you were the customer, will you be adequately satisfied?
Treating your clients with friendliness, respect and dignity will turn them into loyal ambassadors. Customer service also entails you responding to reviews on time and effecting changes where necessary. You can turn an online review into an offline conversation, making it personal and helping you resolve the complaint on time.
As a brand, prioritize the service requests you have received from your users in their order of urgency with a time stamp showing their deadline. You will agree with me that some requests are more urgent than others while some will need more hands to resolve. Take all these into consideration when deciding on the request to handle first.
Product Reviews are Critical
Product reviews play a dual role. I mean, they are not only important to the buyers, they are also important to the sellers. There has been an increase in the views of product reviews published by e-commerce stores like Amazon, eBay and a host of others because users are fast realizing how important product reviews are in influencing their purchase decision.
Every minute, millions of buyers troop into sites in search of reviews before making their buying decisions. This goes to show that product reviews are an important part of your stores’ marketing and branding strategies; helping you set your store apart as a seller and increasing your credibility as a brand.
It may amaze you to note buyers aren’t only interested in the good aspects of your product. They also want to know both the bad and the downright ugly parts. Technology helps make this possible with ease for savvy shoppers who make their purchases solely based on reviews read online.
Through product reviews across social networks, your brand can get free exposure which helps to solidify your store’s online presence. The more product reviews you have as a brand, the more you convince your customers they are making the right decision. People’s review of your product restores confidence in the minds.

Killer ways to get product reviews from your customers
Simply Ask
You need something, and all you can do is ask for it. Whenever users use your product or service, ask them what they think about it and areas to be improved upon. This will point out key areas of improvement, thus generating positive reviews about your services.
They will be quick to offer reviews for services that they enjoyed. So, next time a customer remarks on how awesome your product or services are, tell them you will appreciate it if they could leave an online review.
Don’t Make the Review Process Overly Complicated
Make it easy for buyers to send reviews. The easier it is, the easier it will be for more people to submit reviews about your products and services. Make sure it’s an easily understandable platform, so they can write reviews easily.
Attach Incentives to Spur Action
Everyone will jump at the opportunity to win something, no matter how little. I feel like I should make a distinction here between incentives and bribes. Never pay users for fake reviews because it’s highly unethical. Instead offer incentives ranging from discounts off next purchase, store gift card, coupons and so on to buyers who are willing to share information about their experiences with your product.
Follow up with Your Customers by Email
Whenever someone buys something on your site, always follow-up through emails. Get their email addresses at the point of purchase. Whenever your customers buy, quickly ask them for feedback on the purchase they’ve made.
Make It Easy for Your Customers to Get in Touch with You
It can often be quite difficult to get a review when you don’t publicize your service numbers for that use. Make it easy for your users to give you feedback about your offerings by giving out customer service numbers, office address details, websites, and email addresses. Each time you get a positive review, record it and seek their permission to publish it on your official website.
Ask the Right Questions
Nothing can kill a review as not providing answers to core questions a potential customer might have with regards the product. Don’t stop at whether they liked the product or not, go deeper. Ask them how they use it, if they benefitted from using it, and if they recommend it to others.
While asking these questions, keep it short and simple. However, make sure you cover vital information that they’ll need to make an informed buying decision. Vital questions will make a product review more authentic. Make each review you have received count by using them to recommend other products the customer is likely to enjoy in the future.
Turn Unhappy Customers into Valuable Resources
Personally, I believe that unhappy users are great assets to a brand. Don’t get me wrong. Having unhappy buyers isn’t ideal for business but they can give deep insights into effective and efficient ways of delivering your product or service offerings.
Unhappy customers give bad reviews. The truth is that bad reviews can also be of immense benefits to the consumers. According to MIT Technology Review, it helps to serve as risk mitigators helping users know the worst case scenario they are to expect from your products and services. The presence of negative reviews lends more credence to your brand’s authenticity.
At the end of the day, an unhappy customer impacts negatively on a brand’s reputation. This is because unhappy customers tend to spread their negative experiences faster than satisfied customers. The phrase “bad news spread like wild-fire” comes to mind.
Unhappy users are directly related to your customer service. This means their unhappiness is directly related to how they feel about your service delivery. Is there a way to turn their dissatisfaction into a pleasant outcome? Can you turn these users into valuable resources?
You can transform an unhappy buyers into a valuable asset if only you know what to do. With the following tips, unhappy users can be turned into valuable resources for your brand.

Acknowledge the Problem
For a user to be unhappy, something that was supposed to happen did not happen. An expectation was not met and the resultant effect is that he becomes unhappy. The most honest person that can give you valuable insight into areas of lapses in your operation as a brand is an unhappy user.
Try to listen to their complaints and make them feel heard. Don’t get defensive but seek ways of resolving the complaint. I will explain further. When Dominos was heavily criticized for their pizza tasting like cardboard, they responded by changing their recipe. This encouraged consumers to try it out. Their willingness and ability to take criticism generated goodwill for Dominos and won customers over.
Make It up to Them
You can’t fix all problems, sometimes the problem could be such that it can’t be undone. You can go out of your way by making it up to them and doing all in your power to delight them. When you accommodate their needs, it makes them feel special. Amazon understood and applied this by waiving shipping charges on replacement of customers’ Christmas packages stolen from their apartment, even though it was through no fault of theirs.

Turn Customer Service Requests into Product Reviews
Having looked at what customer service is all about, the importance of product reviews and the best ways to get these reviews, how then can we turn our service requests into great product reviews?
Leaving all marketing terminology aside, the relevance of a request is in the time it’s responded to. The urgency you attach to a request goes a long way to influence customer’s overall satisfaction. The effectiveness of marketing embraces the research into the production and delivery of the right products to the right people at the right place and at the right time. Failing on one aspect is harmful to the growth of your brand.
With the presence of online mediums, buyers can easily make their requests digitally without being physically present at your store. After this is done, they expect a timely response to the requests sent and not doing so can be quite disastrous. It’s even more disastrous when dealing with the service industry.
To turn your service requests to product reviews, you should reduce their wait time. They should know your brand as one that delivers on time. If you have a lot of traffic on your site, train your employees to serve them quickly. Responding to their needs on time shows them that you’re dedicated to resolving their needs, and that is a plus for your brand in their good books.
Furthermore, all inquiries should be treated as urgent to prevent the users from feeling ignored. Looking to turn your customer service requests into products? Be responsive to their needs, even if it’s just to say “we will get back to you.” It’s more effective than dead-drop silence.
It’s not just enough to ask for feedback through surveys, questionnaires, and others, use this feedback you have received. Make it useful to your overall business process and make changes where necessary. Excellent customer service doesn’t come in a day. It’s the totality of all the experiences you have delivered to the users consistently. The word “consistently” is italicized on purpose to emphasize its importance.
Effectively handling requests should be the culture of every staff of the company. Your employees should be trained on how to effectively interact with them and solve their problems. They are the bridge between the company and the buyers, hence they play a strategic role.
Finally, when a user feels satisfied that his requests have been handled effectively, he responds by giving reviews that will attract other consumers to your offerings.
As much as it’s important getting product reviews, you should also know how to handle them and use them to package your offerings better. When people know you listen to their opinions and they see positive efforts being made, you gain more reviews. Proper handling of product reviews can help build customers’ trust and confidence in you as a brand.
This entails that you check your reviews daily, using notifications to alert you to new submissions. I bet you would be frustrated if you discovered your write-ups were ignored! In the same vein, customers can get frustrated too if they sense their reviews are not getting much-needed attention from your brand.
Utilize every opportunity to show your customers that you’re responding to their submissions. Clarify areas that need attention, always thank customers for their reviews and apologize for errors made in the delivery of service to them. It’s not humanly possible to respond to every review, but make customers feel you take their concerns seriously and you’re willing to make positive adjustments.
It’s not possible to only get positive reviews, even if you’re doing everything right! Some shoppers are unnecessarily negative and may have high, unrealistic expectations. A site that has only positive reviews will raise red flags. This is because it’s not possible to please everyone. Keep it real and publish all levels of reviews. It makes your brand authentic and people trust you more!
Use the negative reviews gotten to make your business processes and operations better than they were, rather than letting the comments get you down.
As a brand, keep encouraging the submission of product reviews. Remember, this is an essential process of doing business and they have the power to make or break a purchase deal. More importantly, encourage the submission of pictures or videos as they help tell a better story about your products than texts alone.
Turn your unhappy customers into valued resources to protect the life of your brand. In this internet age, one bad mention does not only get to ten more persons, it goes to thousands of persons who send it to thousands more, creating a negative viral sensation. It’s not only necessary to turn your unhappy customers into valued resources; it becomes critical and should be a strategic plan of action that becomes a lifestyle.
Once you turn an unhappy customer into a delighted one, the customer becomes more loyal than your satisfied customers, bringing in repeat purchases. Little wonder why the name “Zappos” brings smiles on the faces of their customer as they have attained a legendary status when it comes to excellent customer service delivery. Of course, this status has paid off for them as about 75% of their purchases can be traced to their repeat customers.
The secret to reducing complaints is for brands to be proactive than reactive in their dealings with customers. Proactively seek out feedback from your customers before they have a chance to complain. Remember, the watchword here is being proactive.
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