Virtues of Good Design That Lead to Success

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In the highly competitive world of industrial manufacturing, achieving success requires more than just exceptional products. It hinges on delivering a seamless customer experience, fostering trust, and converting potential clients into loyal buyers. The linchpin to achieving these goals is good design. This article will delve into the essential design characteristics that contribute to success in industrial manufacturing.

Brand Consistency

In the realm of industrial manufacturing, consistency in branding is paramount. Whether you’re dealing with printed catalogs, price books, spec sheets, or digital listings, maintaining a uniform and cohesive brand image is essential. Research conducted by Nielsen Norman Group indicates that consistent branding across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%. When your printed materials sport different fonts and colors from your online presence, it confuses consumers and erodes their trust in your brand. For industrial manufacturing giants like Siemens and General Electric, maintaining a consistent and recognizable brand identity is a non-negotiable aspect of their marketing strategy. Any deviation could jeopardize the consumer’s perception of quality and reliability, ultimately affecting sales and market share.

Good Structure and Flow

Effective design in industrial manufacturing hinges on structured information flow. For instance, prominently displaying the item’s name and price on a product page caters to consumers’ desire for quick access to essential details. According to a study by the Baymard Institute, 47.8% of US online shoppers abandoned their carts in the last three months, often before the checkout, due to browsing or not being ready to buy. After presenting vital information, it’s crucial to communicate the product’s benefits and problem-solving abilities. Technical specifications and additional details should follow logically. This approach captures consumers’ attention and delivers information coherently. Brands like Caterpillar Inc. excel, systematically organizing product information for easy comprehension. In industrial design, a well-structured flow of information is paramount, ensuring consumers are informed and engaged, ultimately aiding purchasing decisions.

Quality Product Photo Experience

In the era of eCommerce and digital marketing, the visual aspect of your products is paramount. Industrial manufacturing brands must ensure a top-notch photo experience for their consumers, whether shopping online or browsing through catalogs in brick-and-mortar stores. A study conducted by Shopify found that high-quality product images can lead to a 94% increase in e-commerce conversion rates. Therefore, investing in well-lit photography that captures every angle and detail of your products is crucial. Industrial manufacturing leaders like Ford and Boeing understand the significance of providing comprehensive visuals to consumers. They recognize that potential buyers do more than just glance at product images; they scrutinize them, examining every nook and cranny. Emulating this level of detail and thoroughness across all sales channels is essential for success.

Clear Checkout Process

The path from product selection to final purchase is a make-or-break moment for any industrial manufacturing brand. A convoluted or confusing checkout process can lead to abandoned shopping carts and lost sales opportunities. According to a study conducted by the Baymard Institute, the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is a staggering 70.19%. To mitigate this, a well-designed and transparent checkout process is essential. Manufacturers such as Bosch and 3M invest significant resources to test the user experience and ensure a smooth and intuitive checkout process. By putting themselves in their customer’s shoes, they preemptively address any potential stumbling blocks. This meticulous approach enhances the customer experience and prevents the development of sales objections, leading to increased conversion rates.


Good design is not a mere accessory but an indispensable element in the success of industrial manufacturing brands. Maintaining brand consistency, structuring information logically, providing high-quality product visuals, and ensuring a straightforward checkout process are all critical components of design that directly impact a company’s growth and bottom line. As industrial manufacturing brands compete in a rapidly evolving market, those prioritizing and investing in effective design will undoubtedly position themselves for tremendous success.

Are you eager to see how Catsy can help your industrial manufacturing brand achieve design excellence and drive success? Schedule a demo with us today and experience firsthand the transformational power of good design in your business.



Product information management (PIM) is a catalog software tool built to speed products to market.

Digital asset management (DAM) is a software used to organize and enrich digital assets.